7 Signs A Person is Good For You

Anil Lakesar
3 min readJul 1, 2021


Before you read this article, I want to make it clear that if you don’t find these signs in the person whom you are with, then it does not mean that they are not good for you. There are many other good signs which makes them good for you. The following information is just for general guidance and prepared on personal opinion. There is no intention of hurting, pointing out, making shameful to someone. Just read it for entertainment purpose only.

Photo by Crew on Unsplash

In life, we meet different people and friends, some of them are so good for us and we call them best friends or our wellwishers, and the others are bad whom we call the toxic friends. These toxic friends are the most dangerous people because they can make your life and mental health miserable.

It is so difficult to find out who is good for you and who is just pretending to be good. You cannot understand other’s intentions unless you know mind reading tactics. There is a large list of signs that can tell you if someone is not good for you, but I want you to be optimistic and look on the other side, today we will look at the positive signs to understand whether someone is good for you or not.

Here are 7 signs that can tell you whether they are good for you.

Signs A Person is Good for You

1. They have good control over their emotions

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

When talking to someone, do you feel like they are so happy and enjoying one moment, and suddenly they become angry and defensive in another? If yes, then it is not a good sign for someone to be good for you because a person who lacks in managing his emotions can be harmful to your mental health.

People who do not have control over emotions possess to be thoughtless, impulsive or even violent. This may happen because of their past experience or any other reasons. But the truth is if they are doing this every time and they make you sad and disturbed, then it is not your responsibility to always fix everything with them.

If you have already connected to them, you should consult any professional.

2. They listen to you carefully and interact equally

Photo by Anna Vander Stel on Unsplash

Do they interrupt you or dominate you while you talk to them? Are they always want to speak and don’t want to listen to you? Are they ignoring what you are saying and just want you to complete so that they can speak? If the answer is yes, then my friend! they are not good for your mental health because this type of conversation with them will make you exhausted and feel worthless.

If they are good for you, they will listen to you, they will interact with you by agreeing, giving you advice and putting questions related to the conversation. If you feel excited to tell them about your day and they listen to it with interest, then they are good for your mental health.

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Anil Lakesar

Hey there, I am a freelance writer, a blogger who writes on personality development, life lessons and psychological things.