7 Signs You Have a Gifted Personality

Anil Lakesar
3 min readJul 27, 2022


Photo by cottonbro

To whom do you consider a gifted person? Probably a person with extraordinary performance in school and academics, or a person who has extraordinary ability especially in the field of art like he is a great painter, a singer, or an actor, etc. Now you are thinking that you are not among these types of people and you are just a normal person. But wait, I have something for you. A gifted personality does not mean to be always recognised by others. Some of the gifted abilities just do not get any recognition from others. So, in this post, I will discuss 7 signs or abilities which show you are gifted and you are different from many average people.

Before starting, you should know about who is considered a gifted person. A person with a high Intelligence quotient like 95–96 is considered a gifted person. To identify whether you are gifted or not, there is a test that is performed by professionals. If you want to know more about your personality, please visit a professional psychologist.

Signs You Have a Gifted Personality

1. You pick things up quickly

Did you learn to read quicker than your fellas? Do you learn things very quickly?

A gifted person possesses a quick memory which means he can learn things faster than a person of his age. Where others find it difficult to learn things, they learn them with just a little effort. It is not necessary that a quick learner is always a topper in class. A gifted learner needs an environment in which he can get things that creates challenges for him so that he can utilise this gift of quick learning. If that environment is not provided to him, then a gifted learner will become an under-achiever and he cannot use his complete potential in educating himself and learning.

2. You are interested in diverse things

Do you find it difficult to work on one thing for long?

If one thing cannot keep you interested for a long time, and you keep changing your interest timely, then you are a gifted person. It is because there are people who live their life for one achievement, one career, one job, one passion, etc., but it is difficult for a gifted person to get attached to one thing. They keep doing many things at the same time that have no relation to other. This gift will make it difficult for you to live a stable life. But it is a gift that makes you live life to the fullest as it is full of many opportunities.

3. Your imagination power is strong

If you are a daydreamer and always imagine things that are just in your head, then it is a sign that you have a gifted personality. It is found that people with this gift have a high level of imagination which makes them creative in the field of art and science.

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Anil Lakesar

Hey there, I am a freelance writer, a blogger who writes on personality development, life lessons and psychological things.