How I Became Terribly Unsuccessful in My Life -My Own Story

Anil Lakesar
3 min readJul 30, 2022


I am 25 years old and I am doing nothing (productive for my family or me)in my life. I just keep laying on my bed and keep wasting my time watching anything on my laptop. I have become so hopeless in my life and lost interest in almost everything. I don’t wanna do anything more in life, all my passion and energy are over now. But I was not always like this. If I tell you about my academics, I have a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering scoring First Class which I completed in the year 2019. I got 9.4 grades out of 10 in my secondary education. So, now you know, I am not like a weak student or a Laufer who just wasted his life because he was not good at academics.

Me on Graduation Day, 2019

Now you may be thinking that even after getting a graduation degree, why I am calling myself an unsuccessful person? It is because, in India, a person of my age must earn for his family, he should earn at least 7 digit salary per year. But I am just living my life like I don’t care about anyone. Everyone thinks that I just wasted about 10 lac rupees for my graduation. So let me tell you something more about me. Before this graduation, and this lazy and hopeless me, I was an intelligent student from the beginning. I was also a good cricket player. I loved to use technology like smartphones, smart gadgets, etc. When I was in grade 4, I always dreamed about inventing something new, and even I had some ideas too which were so unique at that time. But with the burden of studying and being a single son, I had to give up my dreamy and inventor version to focus on my study and score well on my report card. I also stopped playing cricket. But after giving up these things, I just lost my creativity. I scored good in secondary but it cost me losing myself, the version which I loved the most and I still miss that me.
After that, I thought scoring good grades like 9.4 is enough and now I can do something unique. But sadly, I entered the field of mathematics, the weakest subject in my school. Actually, I haven’t chosen mathematics for me, but I was made to choose because all of my friends were going in that field. So, I just followed them. Guess what I realised after doing so, you should never follow anyone without thinking about your strengths and weaknesses. Along with this, I went for the preparation of the IIT-JEE examination. For those who don’t know about IIT-JEE, it is one of the toughest examinations after 12th grade in India. It is an entrance exam, and after cracking it, you get admission to one of the top most Indian Institutes of Technology. After preparing for the 11th, and 12th examinations with IIT-JEE too, you may know the result. I was poor at mathematics but not that weak to get failed. I passed the examination with an average percentage of 72.2% (better than many of my friends who chose mathematics by their own choice), and the result of IIT-JEE is as you have expected already, I failed just like my all friends (but my score was better than their’s). I missed by just my 2 marks in clearing the IIT-JEE Mains examination.
Again I thought, it is enough, now, I can do something unique after 12th grade. But I was not aware that a little better score than my friends will make me prepare again for the IIT-JEE examination. I gave one more year of my life to cracking the IIT-JEE exam. But the result was not the same this time. This time, I failed miserably. I was not near the cut-off. I was so shameful of myself as I failed for the first time in my life with such a low score. I was so broken from inside but never told anyone about it.
Let me take a break here, and I’ll continue it in my upcoming story.



Anil Lakesar

Hey there, I am a freelance writer, a blogger who writes on personality development, life lessons and psychological things.